The fifth show completed for 2021 is for Ganado High School from Ganado, Texas. Ganado is about 75 miles southwest of Houston and about 15 miles northeast of Victoria. They would be classified as a small school. Their director is Mandy Keen and this is the 6th year I have done their show.
Their show is entitled Vampire Slayer and it is arranged by Luke McMillan. The excerpts from this show include Tocata and Fugue in d minor, Night on Bald Mountain, In the Hall of the Mountain King, Tchikovsky’s Symphony No. 5, Swan Lake, Dies Irae, Mozart’s Requiem, and Funeral March.
The drill was written for 57 members with 43 winds. It would be classified as a Grade 3 or of medium difficulty. There are 30 sets to this show.
This show was completed on June 27.