The 26th show that was completed for 2018 was Pasadena High School from Pasadena, Texas. Pasadena is 15 miles east of Houston. The school has about 2,695 students total which is the largest school that I wrote for. They are in UIL Region 19 classified as a AAAAAA size school. The band charted for 116 members including 96 winds which make this the 2nd largest band that I wrote for. Their director is Jason Warren and this is the 5th time I wrote their show.
The show is entitled War Dance and it is by John Fannin. The music is about the Maori Tribal Dance in New Zealand. It is done in three movements.
The drill would be about a Grade 4.5 or of some difficulty. The show has 52 sets which tied with Stafford for the most in 2018. This show was completed on September 23.