2021 Geometrics

So, before the crazy storm hit, I was finishing up my second show “for fun” but wasn’t able to finish it until today. And so here it is. This is Geometrics and it is by the great Luke McMillan. It is written in three movements that are connected. They are Linear, Curvilinear, and Angular. I…


Larger Than Life 2021

In honor of this weekend being Super Bowl weekend, the show being displayed today is titled Larger Than Life. The music is Overture to Ben Hur from Alfred Publishing arranged by Ralph Ford, Beautiful from King Kong from Hal Leonard arranged by Jay Bocook, and Titan Spirit from Remember the Titans (a football movie), from…


2020 Amen

On Tuesday, Pasadena High School became the 22nd and final school completed for 2020. This finally ends the drill season for this year. This has been the longest season as far as time which went from April to almost November. Overall, 22 shows, 14 rewrites, 715 drill sets averaging 32.5 sets per show for 1,463…


2020 In Review

2020 was a crazy year. I finished with 22 schools this year which is down seven from last year but I came out lucky compared to others. Here are 45 second to one minute snippets of the shows that I did. Of the 22 schools, 12 are going to UIL using these drills. Several are…
